"My List" Tab Added To Reporting View

Wednesday, 18 March 2020 by Paul Hammond

The Reporting view in finPOWER Connect Cloud now has a "My List" tab which allows users to add reports that they commonly use to their own custom list.

For example, users can add shortcuts to commonly used reports including any parameters and export options.

Our online demo lets you check out the latest build of finPOWER Connect Cloud.

NOTE: This is regularly updated to show new features and may not match screenshots shown in this article.


As of version 3.03.00 of finPOWER Connect Cloud, a new "My List" tab has been added to the Reporting view:

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Right-clicking reports on existing tabs allows them to be added to "My List":

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Running a report and viewing the parameter entry form also gives you the option to add the report to "My List". This saves parameters, formatting details and export options:

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Editing Items

Clicking the "Customise 'My List'" button:

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Shows the "Customise 'My List'" form:

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NOTE: The checkbox at the top of this form allows users to hide the "My List" tab if they do not wish to use it.

This allows existing items to be deleted, rearranged and edited.

E.g., you might want to change the caption, parameters or export options of an existing item:

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Adding Items

Reports may be added either via right-clicking the report name or using the action on the parameter entry screen.

Heading items can be added to "My List" using the add button below the grid on the "Customise 'My List'" form.

The maximum number of items that can be added (excluding headings) are all configured within finPOWER Connect Desktop.

Configuring the Reporting View

Whether the "My List" tab is shown for users and how many custom items can be added are configured from the finPOWER Connect Cloud Configuration form, Reporting, Options page from within finPOWER Connect Desktop:

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Saved Parameters

Depending on whether a report was added to "My List" by either right-clicking the report in the list of adding via the action on the parameter entry form determines whether the report is "Customised".

Customised reports save all parameters, format and export options and these can be edited via the "Customise 'My List'" form.

From the "Saved Parameters" page, you can hide parameters (uncheck the Visible column), update the default value or, add a Formula to calculate the parameter's value:

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Clicking the "Fx" button next to the formula displays the Formula Editor. From here, you can edit and test the formula and see a list of all available functions including help on how to use them:

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NOTE: Running a report from "My List" gives you the action to "Update 'My List'".

This is the easiest way to update the report's parameters rather than modifying the Value column in the Saved Parameters grid.