Release History



emPOWER 5.03.15

Released on 19 June 2013
4 articles found. Displaying page 1 of 1

NEW: Permission Keys; amend OtherPartyBankDetailsChange so that it does not affect AR receipt entry.

11172 | 18 June 2013 | emPOWER 5.03.15

Permission keys listed have been updated so that they do not affect AR receipt entry.

FIX: Items; Images, second images not showing on screen

11170 | 13 June 2013 | emPOWER 5.03.15

Where a second image was loaded into the Item Images Tab, was not showing on screen. Would show only after the 'Show Image' button was clicked and in a separate window.

FIX: Supplier Payment method; setting information list to mandatory required data even if not a Supplier

11168 | 7 June 2013 | emPOWER 5.03.15

If the Information List, Supplier Payment method was set to mandatory the payment method field was mandatory even when not a Supplier. Is now mandatory for Suppliers only.

FIX: Invoice Review; changing details on an invoice, including allocations, may result in message regarding EmployeeId column.

11167 | 7 June 2013 | emPOWER 5.03.15

Reviewing an Invoice and changing any details including receipt allocations, (where the 'Sales Rep' field is blank), might result in one of the following messages when saving: