Release History
emPOWER 5.03.17
NEW: Reports; Stock Sales Order Report, new option to group and/or filter by 'Transaction Type'.
When printing a Stock Sales Order Report there is now an option to group and/or filter by 'Transaction Type'.
NEW: Import information; debtors import now supports error collection via business layer.
When running debtors import via the business layer you can refer to an errors collection to determine if one or more lines have been excluded from the import. The 'ImportErrors' object represents a collection of errors that have occurred.
NEW: Scripts; Stock transfer, transaction type pre save script now being executed.
When saving a Stock transfer linked to a transaction type now executes the pre save script defined on the transaction type.
NEW: Scripts; Stock transfer, pre commit script now executed within a database transaction.
When committing a Stock transfer linked to a transaction type now executes a pre commit script within a database transaction. Script is executed prior to built in validations to ensure data integrity.
NEW: Permission Key; make stock transfer transaction type mandatory.
There is now a permission key to deny stock transfers being entered without a transaction type specified.
NEW: Global Options; Stock, new option to make Transaction Type mandatory for Stock Transfers.
Under Global Options on the Stock tab, there is a new option to make Transaction Type mandatory for Stock Transfers.
NEW: Reports; Purchase Reports - Additional Groupings and Filters added for Supplier Employee.
Purchase report includes new options to filter and group by; the employee specified on the Other Party.
NEW: Ability to update the reference on committed AP Payments & AR Receipts.
There is now the ability to update the reference on committed AP Payments & AR Receipts. Reference update permission keys and transaction type duplicate reference settings apply.
NEW: Excel fixed asset schedule and excel fixed asset schedule -base have a new constant to only print active assets
The Excel fixed asset schedule and excel fixed asset schedule -base templates now include a constant which can be set to only print active assets.
NEW: Reports; Sales reports include new options to filter and group by; the employee specified on the Other Party.
Sales report includes new options to filter and group by; the employee specified on the Other Party.
FIX: Other Party SMS; contact details not being populated against mandatory field and cannot send SMS.
When drilling down to an SMS contact method linked to an Other Party Contact the list of contacts is not being populated. This is a mandatory field therefore an SMS cannot be sent using this function.
FIX: Delivery Dockets; Commit Delivery Docket raises error message 'Invalid use of Null'.
If a Delivery Docket is raised from a Purchase Order which includes a line with no description error '94, Invalid use of Null' was raised.
FIX: Reports; Stock Level Report, 'Available' column does not show correct figure.
When printing a Stock Level report the available column will show no values. This can vary if the report is grouped or filtered by Locations.
FIX: Reports; Stock Reorder Report, displays Multi-step error running under SQL Server database.
When printing a Stock Reorder Report from a SQL Server database with the option 'Exclude on Order quantity from calculation' not ticked, displays the following error;