Release History
finPOWER Connect 2.00.01
FIX: Decision Card List; has two "Show Notes" parameters
The Decision Card List has two "Show Notes" parameters.
NEW: Account form; Read Only Databases include links in various summary pages to review Credit Limits etc, but they do nothing
For a Read Only Database, the Account Form may include links in various summary pages to review Credit Limits etc, but clicking on the link does nothing.
NEW: Account Payment, Transfer and Withdrawal wizards; changes to Credit Limit and Available Credit logic
In the Account Payment, Transfer and Withdrawal wizards a change has been made to the logic for Credit Limits and Available Credit.
NEW: Account Statements; User data now saved into separate UserData field
User data for Account Statements is now saved into the separate UserData field on the AccountLog table. Previously it was stored as part of the Extended Data for the log.
FIX: Workflow Types, Items page; spelling mistake in HTML Summary corrected
On Workflow Types, Items page, there was a spelling mistake in the HTML Summary, "Security Debtor" was misspelt "Securty Debtor".
FIX: Interest Calculations; Pre-Computed Interest during term not charged when Account has a credit balance
Pre-Computed Contractual Interest charged during normal Term is not debited to an Account when it has a credit balance.
NEW: Pending Withdrawals; now supports a "Close Date", so Pending Withdrawals can be date sensitive
Pending Withdrawals now include a DateClosed property, and therefore have been enhanced as follows:
FIX: Account Trial Balance Report; Pending Withdrawals, Available Credit columns not working correctly
The Account List Query and any Reports based upon it, e.g. the Account Trial Balance Report, do not correctly show Pending Withdrawals and Available Credit.
FIX: Business Layer; finAccount.GetUnclearedFunds function updated
The Business Layer function finAccount.GetUnclearedFunds has been updated to use the following logic:
NEW: Quick Search; External Party results can now be pasted into Client fields
Quick Search results that represent External Parties can now be pasted into Client fields, e.g., the Clients grid on the New Account wizard.
FIX: Interest Calculations; may charge negative Interest
If an Account has an overall Debit balance, but the allocations have a positive Non-Interest Bearing greater than the Balance, and therefore a negative Interest Bearing balance, then negative interest is calculated and charged.
FIX: Disbursements; Reversing a disbursement fails with an error
Trying to reverse a Disbursement causes the following error "Failed to reverse Disbursement. No record was updated. This record may have been deleted or edited by another User.".
FIX: Workflows; Completing a Credit Enquiry not refreshing Workflows or Task Manager forms
Completing a Credit Enquiry from a Workflow was not refreshing the Workflows or Task Manager forms to show that the Workflow Item had been completed.
FIX: Scripts; Built in Workflow Summary Page updated to fix spelling mistake
The Built in Workflow Summary Page has been updated to fix a misspelling of 'Description'.
FIX: Disbursement Account Payment wizard; Accounts range selection on Filter page now support paste Account in right click
On the Disbursement Account Payment wizard, Filters page, the Accounts range selection now supports pasting Accounts using right click.
NEW: Security Statements; updated XML import/ export file to version 2
The XML import/ export for Security Statements has been updated to version 2.
NEW: Security Item; cannot delete Item if there is a linked ServiceLog record
A Security Item cannot be deleted if there is a ServiceLog record linked to it. The message "Related records exist in the ISServiceLog table." will be displayed when trying to save the Security Statement.
FIX: NZ PPSR G2B interface; when amending collateral description, &, < and > characters were incorrectly encoded
When amending collateral in the NZ PPSR G2B interface, if the description included &, < or >, the characters were incorrectly encoded.
NEW: Contact Methods; added icons for Facebook, Twitter and Linked In
Added Contact Method icons for Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.
FIX: Page Sets; Script page renamed to 'Script Code'
The Script page on the Page Sets form has been renamed to 'Script Code' so it is consistent with other Admin libraries that contain Script code.
FIX: Clients; should not be able to change the Client Type from Company to Sole Trader when the Company has Personnel
The Client Type, of a Client, should not be able to be changed from a Company to Sole Trader if the Company has Personnel. If this happens the Personnel still exist on the database but cannot be accessed within finPOWER Connect,
NEW: Business Layer; finLogRO object updated, added UserData property, optimised other properties
The finLogRO Business Layer object has been updated.
FIX: Task Manager; Workflow Folder "Add a Log" icon was incorrect
The "Add a Log" icon was incorrect in the Task Manager, Workflow Folder. It was simply the "Log" icon without the "+" symbol.
FIX: Documents; addressee details of Company not included Person Acting and Company Name
The name and address details of a Company on a document, for example, was not including both the Person Acting Addressee Name and Company Name.
NEW: Scripts; Paste Template button changed
The Paste Template button below Script editors has been changed as follows:
FIX: Pages Sets; Designer omits Page Objects when page is taller than 1500 pixels
The Page Set Designer did not draw Page Objects correctly if the page exceeded 1500 pixels.
FIX: Workflows; Actioning an item that creates a Log does not save linked Document to Account Log
Actioning a Workflow Item that creates a Log allows you to enter a Document File Name to record on the Log. This Document File Name was not being record on the Account Log.
FIX: Client Contact Addresses; via the Business Layer you may add an Address with both Postal and Physical unchecked
Using the Business Layer, Client Contact Addresses may be added with both Postal and Physical options unchecked. A check has now been added to stop this.
FIX: Security Statement form; Review date warning not lined up correctly if not showing External Id
On the Security Statement form the Review date warning is not lined up correctly - if the External Id field is not shown.
NEW: Page Sets; Checkboxes can now be bold
A new option for Checkbox type Page Objects allows them to be displayed using a bold font.
FIX: Report Templates; Grouping by a field not defined in the standard report groupings not acting as expected
Grouping a Report Template by a field not defined in the standard report groupings was not acting as expected. The results were not being ordered by the grouping field and therefore not grouping the results as expected.
FIX: Admin, Rate Tables; updated form title to simple "New Rate Table"
Under Admin, Rate Tables the Rate Table Item drilldown form's title incorrectly included "Account, e.g. "Account Rate Table Item", it should have just said "Rate Table Item".
NEW: Business Layer; ISKeyValueList.GetDouble now supports an option to return Nan as zero
The ISKeyValueList Business Layer object's "GetDouble" function now supports an option to return Nan (Not a Number) as zero.
FIX: Page Sets; Auto-sized Page Object description incorrect and sizing behaviour updated
The description alongside the 'Auto-Size' checkbox on the Page Object for was incorrect in certain cases and has been updated.
NEW: VedaXML NZ; added Identity Plus service for Individuals
Added Identity Plus service for VedaXML NZ.
FIX: Queues; ItemFinaliseParameters Script event does not have access to Parameters
The ItemFinaliseParameters Script event did not have access to the Parameters used on the executing item.
FIX: Application shortcut to Service Log form does not go to the correct page on the form
Creating a shortcut to the Service Log form, e.g., for a Client Credit Enquiry does not go to the correct page on the form. E.g., if you switch to the Credit Enquiry page and then drag the form heading to the Task Pane, the Application Shortcut created sp...
FIX: Parameter Sets; Spacing after first checkbox too large
If a series of checkbox parameters were displayed one after the other, e.g., in the Client Details report, the gap between the first and second checkboxes was too large.
FIX: Queues; Not saving changes to saved parameters if only the value is changed
When editing the Saved Parameters from the Queues form, Items page, editing only the value of a parameter in the grid on the drilldown form and then saving the record would not retain the changes.
FIX: Script Editor; Pasting template code removes Undo ability
Pasting template code or other code into the Script Editor may remove the Undo ability.
FIX: Account documents fail to publish from Report Explorer if ordered by Name
Account documents such as the 'Account Advice' VBA template fail to publish from Report Explorer if ordered by Name.
NEW: Contact Methods; Usage page added
A Usage page has been added to the Contact Methods form.
NEW: Accounting Ledger List Report; added group by GL Export Id, Value column now totals
The Accounting Ledger List Report can now be grouped by GL Export Id and the Value column now shows a total.
FIX: Application Shortcuts; Workspace type shortcut is missing an icon
Creating a "Workspace" Application Shortcuts via the Shortcuts task pane assigns the incorrect icon, resulting in the invalid icon being displayed.
NEW: Built in Account Warnings Script updated to better cater for 'Unknown' Clients
The built in Account Warnings Script updated to better cater for 'Unknown' Clients. Previously, the Script was not checking that an 'Unknown' Client was defined under Global Settings which could cause problems with Account Applications.
NEW: Business Layer; Add GetAvailableCredit function to finAccount
A new function GetAvailableCredit has been added to finAccount in the finPOWER Connect Business Layer.
NEW: Account Quotation wizard; Promotion can now be specified if a Dealer is not entered
Previously in the Account Quotation wizard the Promotions field was disabled if the Dealer was blank.
FIX: New Account wizard, Financial page; standard summary page not working for a Floating Rate Loan with a "To Date" Startup period
The standard summary page in the New Account wizard, Financial page, was not working for a Floating Rate Loan with a "To Date" Startup period.
FIX: Client Combine; complete overhaul of functionality
The Combine Clients wizard has been overhauled and updated to be more flexible.
NEW: Account form; Standard Transactions that have finished processing now shown with a strikethrough
On the Account form, Standard Transactions page, Standard Transactions that have finished processing are now shown with a strikethrough.